Payment of Road Tax in Spain

Payment of Road Tax in Spain is a relatively simple process.  You have to pay road tax on your Spanish-registered car in Spain just as in most European countries.  The amount varies according to which region you live in, but it is significantly less expensive than in the UK.  Payments are made to the local Town Hall and they issue payment letters each year which will be sent to the address that you registered the car to.  You can certainly set up a direct debit so that your Spanish bank pays it automatically, but of course, you need to make sure that there are sufficient funds in the account.  Payment deadline date is usually around the 2nd week of May, but do check with the Town Hall.  You need to ask them about the IVTM (impuesto sobre vehiculos de traccion mecanica).  If in doubt, pop down to the Town Hall in question and they will give you the payment letter, which you then need to take to a Bank to pay.  If you sell your car it is imperative that your car tax is paid up to date – likewise, if you’re buying a secondhand car, you must ensure that all the taxes have been paid.  If you miss the deadline date, then they will begin adding a small amount of interest, so don’t forget.  If you’re not in the country, your vehicle is registered in the Costa del Sol area and you know that there is no DD set up, don’t panic – just contact MizzFixit and she’ll take care of it for you.